Monday, February 15, 2010

the worst time of the week

This is the worst time of the week.
IF there is class on Monday, which is almost every Monday except last week because of several blizzards, the time immediately after class is over until I get my second wind for the night, is horrible! The snake inside my belly tries to convince my smarter brain that sleep is the only solution to my fatigue. It starts at 6:05pm and I strategically must avoid hitting the warmth and coziness in my bed, find some healthy nutrients to eat, and wait for my energy to start kicking back up around 8:00pm. Once the second wind starts up I am over productive and crazy focused until around midnight. Monday is the only night of the week this phenomenon occurs. Every other night of the week I try to replicate my energy and motivation but it never matches up. This is my project tonight: weaving faces in a web inside a cigar box. I hope I don't get sick of cigar boxes midway through the spring.

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